My Top 5 Takeaways from Talent Brand Summit London
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My Top 5 Takeaways from Talent Brand Summit London

I had the immense pleasure to attend the Talent Brand Summit in London. A vintage English bus ride took us to friendly competition at social darts, and whisked us to a delicious dinner with a 360-degree view of London at night at Olympic Park at the end of the workshop. Read more from Sebastian Wind from American Express on hs experience attending Talent Brand Summit London.

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Global Recruitment Marketing from Munich: Caro Guillen, Transformation Consultant at Intel
Talent Brand Alliance Team Talent Brand Alliance Team

Global Recruitment Marketing from Munich: Caro Guillen, Transformation Consultant at Intel

Meet Caro Guillen is a Transformation Consultant for Talent Acquisition at Intel. She’s originally from Costa Rica, and she recently moved to Munich, Germany. We’re pleased to have her as one of the roundtable facilitators at the Talent Brand Summit in London this October. Her topic is creativity on a budget, a challenge we have all faced. Each table will be given a unique dollar/euro/pound amount and a specific audience to reach and engage within that budget. Prepare to get creative!

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An Aussie Abroad: Sharing Knowledge from Berlin at #TBSummit
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An Aussie Abroad: Sharing Knowledge from Berlin at #TBSummit

Ellie Terry is the Director of Employee Experience and Global Communications at N26, a banking experience for today’s mobile lifestyle. N26 launched in Europe in 2013 and in the U.S. in 2019. She is an Aussie who lives and works in Berlin and we’re proud to have her as one of the roundtable facilitators at the Talent Brand Summit in London this October.

In addition to learning about her start in talent branding, we got her input about tools and tactics and some of her advice for those who are new in the HR marketing and branding field.

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Building Brand Love at Talent Brand Summit: Emily Firth, Global Manager of Employer Branding, Booking.com
Talent Brand Summit, TBA London Talent Brand Alliance Team Talent Brand Summit, TBA London Talent Brand Alliance Team

Building Brand Love at Talent Brand Summit: Emily Firth, Global Manager of Employer Branding, Booking.com

Emily Firth is a respected talent attraction and employer branding practitioner. She currently leads global employer branding for Booking.com. She lives and works in Amsterdam and will be one of the roundtable facilitators joining us at the Talent Brand Summit - London this October. In addition to learning about her start in talent branding, we got her input about tools and tactics and her advice for those who are new in the field.

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Employer Branding and Zombies: Shelby Burghardt Grip, Talent Brand and Recruitment Marketing at Stryker
Podcast Talent Brand Alliance Team Podcast Talent Brand Alliance Team

Employer Branding and Zombies: Shelby Burghardt Grip, Talent Brand and Recruitment Marketing at Stryker

In this episode, we chat with Shelby (Burghardt) Grip, Senior Manager, Talent Brand and Recruitment Marketing at Stryker, a medical technology company. We learn how a major news outlet and zombies got her on the talent brand career path and what advice she has for people starting out in the recruitment marketing field.

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What makes a difference in your employer branding career?
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What makes a difference in your employer branding career?

What have been the key things that have helped you achieve more, build bridges, get that promotion, hit your targets, and build a better mousetrap? For most, it’s a boss who understands personal development. Need help convincing them to send you to an employer branding workshop? This letter could be what you (and your career) need.

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Talent Brand Alliance Board: Warming up in Texas
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Talent Brand Alliance Board: Warming up in Texas

Exciting things are on the horizon for the Talent Brand Alliance! Our board members came together recently to dream about the future, discuss growth strategies, and to share ideas on how to be an even better resource for the talent branding community. Here’s a sneak peak into what’s in store!

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Unpacking from Talent Brand Summit in Austin
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Unpacking from Talent Brand Summit in Austin

When you pack for a trip, most people think of every possible circumstance you’ll encounter. But when you’re going to a recruiting conference on a business trip, you pretty much know what to expect. Or, do you?

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